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Company Secretarial Services

Company Secretarial Services:

●Prepare and file Annual Return

●Transfers of shares / Increase of share capital

●Appointment and removal of directors or secretaries

●Provide company office registered address (one year HK $ 500)

●Prepare Minutes of Annual General Meeting /
Business registration renewal

●Company liquidation

Company deregistration

Change of company name

●Change from unlimited company to limited company

●Declare all kinds of company legal registration documents and minutes

●Significant Controllers Register

Secretarial Services Notes: (Section 154 of the Companies Ordinance under Chapter 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong)

Every company should have a Company Secretary. Company Secretary may be one of the directors, an individual who ordinarily resides in Hong Kong or a corporate body that has its registered office or a place of business in Hong Kong.


Services (HKD) Service fees (HKD) Government Fees and
Other Miscellaneous Fees (HKD)
Total (HKD)
Submitting Annual Return 395 105 500
Appointment/ Resignation of
Director and Company Secretary
300 / person N/A 300
Change of personal particulars of
Director and Company Secretary
200 N/A 200
Increase in Authorised Capital 600 N/A 600
Share Allotment 300 / shareholder Stamp Duty (Per Deal) 300
Company Share Transfer 300 / person Stamp Duty (Per Deal) 300
Preparation of a variety of meeting minutes TBA N/A  
Change of business nature 300 N/A 300
Change of Company Name 500 500 1,000
Company Deregistration 1,510 690 2,200
Significant Controllers Register N/A N/A 150